!!S - Statistical Component Value ;Statement: If an employee has over 2080 hours of time worked (1 year), if the statistic Years of Time Worked has not been updated with a 1, update that value. (The pay component linked to the Stat Years of Time Worked is PC 7350.)\\ \\ ||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto|| Else GoTo |00010| LET| V| TTL TIME WRKD| ADD| EY| TIME WORKED| EC| TIME WORKED| 00020 | |00020| IF| V| TTL TIME WRKD| GT| N| 2080| | |00100| 99999 |00100| IF| S| Years of Time Worked| NE| N| 1| | |00200| 99999 |00200| LET| PC| 7350| EQ| N| 1| | |99999 | |99999| EXIT| | | | | | | |99999| %%information In line 00010 the Element Year to Date value is added to the Current value to get the correct value including the current pay.%% !Statistical Component Setup ;[IDSC]:Create the statistic using the [IDSC] form. For more information on creation of statistics please refer to the [Payroll Application|MODULE-PR]. %%warning Do not use special characters (!,@,#,$,%,^,&,*,etc.). Spaces, dashes and underscores are acceptable.%% ;[IPPC]: Link the statistic to a pay component using the [IPPC] form. For more information on creation of pay components please refer to the [Payroll Application|MODULE-PR]. It is not necessary for the Statistic and Pay Component codes to match. This is, however, a good practice to follow, if possible, to aid in matching components to statistics. It is also important to note, that statistic components cannot be directly updated by a UserCalc. The pay component that the statistic is attached to is calculated and when the pay run is closed the statistic component will be updated. ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.S_STATISTIC] [{InsertPage page='Internal.S_STATISTIC' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]