!!!System Preferences ||Preference Name || Synopsis |[1ST_DAY_OF_WEEK|1ST_DAY_OF_WEEK(System_Preference)] | The first day of the week as displayed on date-driven screens |[ALLOW CHLD QUERY|ALLOW CHLD QUERY(System_Preference)] |Allow Advanced Search on sub-tables |[ALLOW FIND FOCUS|ALLOW FIND FOCUS(System_Preference)] |Hide Find/Browsing Block when something is in focus |[ALLOW NAV MENU|ALLOW NAV MENU(System_Preference)] |Allows the user to see the Navagation Menu on the left hand side of the screen inside Self Service |[ALLOW PP ENTRIES|ALLOW PP ENTRIES(System_Preference)] |Enables prior period entries to be added to time sheets within Self Service |[ALLOW QUERY|ALLOW QUERY(System_Preference)] |Allow Advanced Search on main table |[APPROVAL_ADMIN|APPROVAL_ADMIN(System_Preference)] |Defines an Approval Administrator |[APPROVAL_WIP_REC|APPROVAL_WIP_REC(System_Preference)] |Allows users to see records that may enter approval process |[ATTACHMENTS FLDR|ATTACHMENTS FLDR(System_Preference)] | Application Server folder where report and BLOB files are stored |[ATTCHMNT_TIMEOUT|ATTCHMNT_TIMEOUT(System_Preference)] |??? |[AUTO_ADD_ITWO|AUTO_ADD_ITWO(System_Preference)] |Allows new Worker ([ITWO]) records to be created for new hire. |[AUTO_APPROVAL|AUTO_APPROVAL(System_Preference)]|Allows automatic moving of an approval entity to the "approved" status under certain conditions including generic approval. |[AUTO COMMIT|AUTO COMMIT(System_Preference)] |Allows the system to save automatically. This is only used for Benefit Self Service. |[BLANK CHG RSN|BLANK CHG RSN(System_Preference)] |Allows you to have the change reason blank out when entering the Effective Date Dialog. |[BSS EVIDENCE REQ|BSS EVIDENCE REQ(System_Preference)] |Forces an employee to submit documentation before they can submit their Open Enrollment |[BSS D REASON REQ|BSS D REASON REQ(System_Preference)] |Determines if Decline Reason is required for Benefit Self Service |[BRAND|BRAND(System_Preference)] |??? __backend__ |[CASCADE HEIGHT|CASCADE HEIGHT(System_Preference)] |Controls the vertical distance between two cascaded windows in the professional interface |[CASCADE WIDTH|CASCADE WIDTH(System_Preference)] |Controls the horizontal distance between two cascaded windows in the professional interface |[CASCADE WINDOW H|CASCADE WINDOW H(System_Preference)] |Controls the height of a re-size cascaded window in the professional interface |[CASCADE WINDOW W|CASCADE WINDOW W(System_Preference)] |Controls the width of a re-size cascaded window in the professional interface |[CAYENTA_TEST|CAYENTA_TEST(System_Preference)] |??? __backend__ |[CL_DATE|CL_DATE(System_Preference)] |??? |[CLASS PERC FULL|CLASS PERC FULL(System_Preference)] |Defines a percentage to use to calculate how close a class is to becoming full |[CLASS WITHD DAYS|CLASS WITHD DAYS(System_Preference)] |??? |[COMP WTCHR ON|COMP WTCHR ON(System_Preference)] |??? |[CUSTOM WAGE RATE|CUSTOM WAGE RATE(System_Preference)] |Initiates custom wage rate logic in the system __backend__ |[DATA FILE EXTNSN|DATA FILE EXTNSN(System_Preference)] |Specifies the file extension put on the data files used for transferring information |[DB PRCSS THREADS|DB PRCSS THREADS(System_Preference)] |Specifies the # of CPU's to use for multi threading specific functions. __backend__ |[DB SCAN INTERVAL|DB SCAN INTERVAL(System_Preference)] |Controls the interval the DataBase is scanned for changes |[DB SCAN TIMEOUT|DB SCAN TIMEOUT(System_Preference)] |This preference controls the timeout time frame when the Data Base changes scan occurs. |[DBUG TRACE DECR|DBUG TRACE DECR(System_Preference)] | Determines the # of trace lines to be removed from the VMJLOG when the maximum number has been reached. |[DBUG TRACE LINES|DBUG TRACE LINES(System_Preference)] | Specifies the maximum # of trace lines to be held for the VMJLOG. |[DFLT CHANGE DATE|DFLT CHANGE DATE(System_Preference)] |??? |[DFLT DICT] | |[DFLT FREQUENCY|DFLT FREQUENCY(System_Preference)] | Identifies the [FREQUENCY_CODE] to use when an arrears record is created when insufficient earnings is engaged during the payroll calculation. __backend__ |[DFLT PAYRULE|DFLT PAYRULE(System_Preference)] | Provides for the option to have default Pay Rules record created and used by [UPCALC] when one cannot be located for an employee __backend__ |[DFT DATE FORMAT|DFT DATE FORMAT(System_Preference)] | This is the display format of dates on forms and web pages. |[DISTRIB_FMT_EXT|DISTRIB_FMT_EXT(System_Preference)] |??? |[DPS_APPRVL_REQ|DPS_APPRVL_REQ(System_Preference)] | Position approvals required |[EAS CHNG REBLD T|EAS CHNG REBLD T(System Preference)] |Updates the TMSS Timesheet when certain items are changed on the work assignment |[EE_BE_AMNT_BASIS] | Default Benefit Amount Basis |[EE_HIERARCHY_PR|EE_HIERARCHY_PR(System_Preference)] |??? |[EE TERM DAYS|EE TERM DAYS(System_Preference)] | Specifies the number of days to display terminated employees in the hierarchy |[EE_T4_GVT_RUN|EE_T4_GVT_RUN(System_Preference)] |??? |[EE_W2_GVT_RUN|EE_W2_GVT_RUN(System_Preference)] |??? |[EMAIL_ADDRESS|EMAIL_ADDRESS(System_Preference)] | EMail sender for system generated messages |[EMP IMAGE FLDR|EMP IMAGE FLDR(System_Preference)] | Application Server folder where employee pictures are stored __backend__ |[ENABLE_AUDITING|ENABLE_AUDITING(System_Preference)] | To Enable/Disable system-wide Change Auditing (change logging) which by default is off |[EQUIPMENT|EQUIPMENT(System_Preference)] | Indicates the external integration to be used for validation |[EQ_WARNING_LEVEL|EQ_WARNING_LEVEL(System_Preference)] |??? |[EXTRCT DATA FLDR|EXTRCT DATA FLDR(System_Preference)] | Application Server folder where X-type functions extract their data to |[EXT_ROWS_REQ|EXT_ROWS_REQ(System_Preference)] |??? |[EXT_URL|EXT_URL(System_Preference)] |??? |[FIND_WITH_EAL|FIND_WITH_EAL(System_Preference)] |??? |[FOCUS ENABLED|FOCUS ENABLED(System_Preference)] | Allows users to enable focus by using a People List to focus the finds of the Employee related screens |[FOCUS EPL_ID|FOCUS EPL_ID(System_Preference)] | Specifies the ID of the People list that the Focus will be set to when enabled. |[FOOTER INFO|FOOTER INFO(System_Preference)] | Attach a document as a Footer to a Function |[FORM TOOLBAR|FORM TOOLBAR(System_Preference)] | Name of menu used to define the form toolbar |[GOVT REGIST RULE|GOVT REGIST RULE(System_Preference)] | ??? __backend__ |[HEADER INFO|HEADER INFO(System_Preference)] | Attach a document as a Header to a Function |[HELP_URL|HELP_URL(System_Preference)] | The URL (web address) that points to the Wiki server |[HIDE_SPLSH_MENUS] | ??? |[HL TEMP DIR|HL TEMP DIR(System_Preference)] | Specifies the location that will be used for temporary client files. |[HLSERVER TIMEOUT|HLSERVER TIMEOUT(System_Preference)] | Overwrites the default time frame that the system will try to connect to or "ping" the Vertex Tax Server __backend__ |[IGN JOBFAM IN PR|IGN JOBFAM IN PR(System_Preference)] |??? |[INPT DATE FORMAT|INPT DATE FORMAT(System_Preference)] | Specifies the date formats that can be used for Keying dates in |[JOB/UNIT MATCH|JOBUNIT MATCH(System_Preference)] | [UPAUDT] will provide a warning message when unit & job do not match __backend__ |[LEAVE_APPRVL_REQ|LEAVE_APPRVL_REQ(System_Preference)] | Used to flag that leaves must be approved before processing |[LDAP AUTH ON|LDAP AUTH ON(System_Preference)] |??? |[LDAP ENCRYPTION|LDAP ENCRYPTION(System_Preference)] |??? |[LDAP HOST|LDAP HOST(System_Preference)] |??? |[LDAP MULTI|LDAP MULTI(System_Preference)] |??? |[LOAD DATA FLDR|LOAD DATA FLDR(System_Preference)] | Application Server folder where import functions get their files |[LOAD TO SERVER|LOAD TO SERVER(System_Preference)] | ??? |[LOAD_BATCH_SIZE|LOAD_BATCH_SIZE(System_Preference)] |??? |[LOG IN ATTEMPTS|LOG IN ATTEMPTS(System_Preference)] | Specifies the number of login attempt allowed |[LOGIN_ATMP_LIMIT|LOGIN_ATMP_LIMIT(System_Preference)] |??? |[LOGIN_CLEAN_PRD|LOGIN_CLEAN_PRD(System_Preference)] |??? |[LOGIN_GRACE_PRD|LOGIN_GRACE_PRD(System_Preference)] |??? |[LOV_VAL_DELAY_MS|LOV_VAL_DELAY_MS(System_Preference)] |??? |[MAX SCROLL ROWS|MAX SCROLL ROWS(System_Preference)] | Specified the number of rows to display in Self Service before scrolling. |[MEDIA EXTSN|MEDIA EXTSN (System_Preference)] | The extensions allowed for all media file uploads |[MEDIA MAX SIZE|MEDIA MAX SIZE(System_Preference)] | The maximum size of media file uploads |[NO_DATE_CONTEXT|NO_DATE_CONTEXT(System_Preference)] |??? |??? obsolete [OPEN IN SAFEMODE|OPEN IN SAFEMODE(System_Preference)] | For updateable screens opens in read-only mode and requires the user to click an icon to edit the data |[PA CTXT WTCHR ON|PA CTXT WTCHR ON(System_Preference)] |??? |[PRINT FINAL PAGE|PRINT FINAL PAGE(System_Preference)] | Indicates whether the final page is printed on each Windward report |[PROACTV_WF_LIMIT|PROACTV_WF_LIMIT(System_Preference)] | Maximum number of records that a Pro-active work flow will process. |[QUICK_ENTRY_FRM|QUICK_ENTRY_FRM(System_Preference)] |??? |[PRT FORM NAME|PRT FORM NAME(System_Preference)] | Specifies the function to be used for print version of a screen |[REP CACHE EXPIRY|REP CACHE EXPIRY(System_Preference)] | ??? |[REP DB ALIAS|REP DB ALIAS(System_Preference)] | This value is passed to the Oracle Reports Server to tell it which database to use when running the |[REP_MARGIN_HRS|REP_MARGIN_HRS(System_Preference)] |??? |[REP PARM SELECT|REP PARM SELECT(System_Preference)] |??? |[REP SERVER IP|REP SERVER IP(System_Preference)] | IP Address of the Oracle Reports Server |[REP SERVER NAME|REP SERVER NAME(System_Preference)] | This is the name of the Oracle Reports Server that the report is to run on. |[REP SERVER PORT|REP SERVER PORT(System_Preference)] | This is the port that the Oracle Reports Server is accessed through. |[REP SOURCE DIR] | ??? |[REP_FAIL_WAIT|REP_FAIL_WAIT(System_Preference)] | This is the maximum number of seconds a report will wait to confirm with the server that the report has actually failed. |[RSTRCT_INCL_NULL|RSTRCT_INCL_NULL(System_Preference)] | Determines if object security should include or exclude null values |[SECURE USER|SECURE USER(System_Preference)] | Determine if a user has access to his own records __backend__ |[SECURITY BY EAS|SECURITY BY EAS(System_Preference)] |??? __backend__ |[SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL|SITE_ADMIN_EMAIL(System_Preference)] | Email address of the Site Administrator, used to send email if the Application Server loses the DB connection |[SHOW ACTION LBL|SHOW ACTION LBL(System_Preference)] | Show labels beside icons |[SHOW FORM TOOLBR|SHOW FORM TOOLBR(System_Preference)] | Show the form toolbar on the function. |[SHOW STACK TRACE|SHOW STACK TRACE(System_Preference)] | Show verbose data base error messages |[SHOW UD INDICATR|SHOW UD INDICATR(System_Preference)] | Allows a small indicator to show beside form items that are marked as "User Defined" in Self Service. |[SHOW_VMJLOG|SHOW_VMJLOG(System_Preference)] | This turns on the ability to use the VMJLOG screen for debugging issues |[SHW CUR REC ICON|SHW CUR REC ICON(System_Preference)] | In a table show the ‘dot’ next to each record |[SORT_EE_NAME|SORT_EE_NAME(System_Preference)] |??? |[SS_AJAX_TIMEOUT|SS_AJAX_TIMEOUT(System_Preference)] | Controls how long the system will try to retrieve a form within Self Service before timing out. |[SS APP TIMEOUT|SS APP TIMEOUT(System_Preference)] | Specifies the amount of time the Self Service application may sit idle before logging the user out. |[SS APP WIDTH] | ??? |[SS APP WIDTH MAX] | ??? |[SS APP WIDTH MIN] | ??? |[SS DLG TIMEOUT|SS DLG TIMEOUT(System_Preference)] | Specifies the timeout period for Self Service dialogs. |[SS_EMPTY_FRM_MSG|SS_EMPTY_FRM_MSG(System_Preference)] | Displays a message in a Self Service form when there is no data to display |[SS FORMS IN EP|SS FORMS IN EP(System_Preference)] | Allows the Self Service (W%) forms to display in Professional |[SS LOGIN TYPE|SS LOGIN TYPE(System_Preference)] | Used to dynamically choose the type of employee login into Self Service. |[SS RESOURCE URL] | Identifies the URL for the SS Web Resources |[STALE DATA PERIO|STALE DATA PERIO(System_Preference)] | Controls how often a client form calls the server to check if the data it is currently holding has gotten stale or out of date. |[START_WITH_LAST|START_WITH_LAST(System_Preference)] |??? __backend__ |[SUBMIT PA|SUBMIT PA(System_Preference)] |??? |[SUPPLIER|SUPPLIER(System_Preference)] | Required if integrating with Cayenta. |[TIME FORMAT|TIME FORMAT(System_Preference)] | Format that TIME fields are displayed in |[UPTR CLEANUP|UPTR CLEANUP(System_Preference)] |Batches processed by UPTR will be marked as 'Processed' regardless of any transactions that are in error |[UPTR DIST EDIT|UPTR DIST EDIT(System_Preference)] |??? |[US STE LOG DIR|US STE LOG DIR(System_Preference)] | Specifies Output directory for the Symmetry log file |[US STE LOG FILE|US STE LOG FILE(System_Preference)] | Specifies an overridden log file name for Symmetry |[US STE LOG LEVEL|US STE LOG LEVEL(System_Preference)] | Specifies a logging level for the Symmetry log file |[US TAX PERFORMCE|US TAX PERFORMCE(System_Preference)] | Specifies if the tax performance statistics are to be printed in UPCALC |[US TAX RECIP|US TAX RECIP(System_Preference)] | Specifies a default reciprocity agreement for all employees |[US TAX HOST NAME|US TAX HOST NAME(System_Preference)] | Specifies the server name of where the SymmetryTaxServer is installed |[US TAX PORT NUM|US TAX PORT NUM(System_Preference)] | Specifies the port number the SymmetryTaxServer will use to listen to incoming tax requests |[US TAX SERIES|US TAX SERIES(System_Preference)] | Determines if the HL Server should be pinged when the function [UPCALC] is run. |[USE ALTERN DTC|USE ALTERN DTC(System_Preference)] | Used and maintained by the Add Or Update Preferences dialog on [WETTS] |[USE HELP WIKI|USE HELP WIKI(System_Preference)] |Use the new Wiki for Help functionality |[WEB_MENU|WEB_MENU(System_Preference)] | Allows clients to attach a specific web menu (created in [IMMU]) to the role |[WEB_SPLASH|WEB_SPLASH(System_Preference)] | Determines the splash menu to show on the home page for the business role. |[WEB THEME|WEB THEME(System_Preference)] | Determines the style folder that the SS world looks for images and style sheets under. |[WORKFLOW_TRACE|WORKFLOW_TRACE(System_Preference)] | Turn on tracing to assist in troubleshooting workflow |[X ENTITY MGT|X ENTITY MGT(System_Preference)] |Allow Aprovals to cross Entities ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.SYSTEM PREFERENCE] [{InsertPage page='Internal.SYSTEM PREFERENCE' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]