System Logs are of two different types: Those that are contained within the data base and those that are in files external to the system.

Internal (data base) logs#

The following logs are within the data base:
Process executions
P2K_AM_EXECUTIONS, P2K_AM_EXECUTION_RUN_LOGS and P2K_AM_PARAMETER_VALUES track each execution of a process and the messages generated
Session executions
System Data Audits
P2K_AM_CHANGE_LOGS and P2K_AM_CHANGE_LOG_DETAILS is the audit detail from logging of changes (add, change and delete) for those tables/fields enabled for logging
System Management
P2K_AM_DATABASE_CHANGE_LOGS identifies the patches applied to the data base
Work Flow Management
P2K_AM_WORK_FLOW_LOGS identifies the execution of each work flow action and its subsequent completion.
Approval management

what is P2K_AM_EXECUTION_AUDITS used for?

External (file) logs#

Vertex Server#

  • Vertex.log - This log file is updated at the initialization of each vertex server process. It will identify the connection to the data base and then will indicate the log file name it is switching to. This logfile name comes from the IMST screen SITE_CODE field. At that point this file is closed.
  • Site_Code.log - This log file contains information about the performance of the Vertex server, including any error messages during the execution of tax calculations. To examine this file you must shut down the Vertex server processes.
These files can be deleted periodically - it is recommended quarterly. They are typically only examined where there is a problem with the tax calculation process


When reports are created, the report is stored on the application sever in the directory identified by the IMST screen preference ATTACHMENTS FLDR

Application Server#

Extract Data Folder
Wiki files

Data Base Server#

Alert logs