When logging into the Self Service application, a picture is displayed along with the credentials for the login. The ability to replace this picture (the stock photo) on the Self Service Login page has been implemented.

A Preference LOGIN_PANEL_PICTURE_URL has been created to identify the fully qualified URL for the location of the photo.

The URL can be either:

(1) External URL to the desired picture

(2) Use own physical resources location HLAppResources/release/images/ within the installation.

  • Example: http://whateverYourSelfServiceUrlhere/HLAppResources/release/images/yourPictureHere.png

If this URL is defined, the picture will be displayed on the Login Page for Self Service. If this preference is not set up, then the standard stock photo supplied will be displayed.

The picture that is used will automatically be resized to fit in the available panel on the Self Service Login page.


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