In the Self Service application, a New Search utility has been developed for the existing the FIND block.

For those forms that have multiple records, a FIND Block will now be available to select from.  The list will contain pertenant infomration
related to the form data. 

Upon entering the form, the data will be defaulted to the 1st record found.  The user can then work with this data or select other records.  This can 
be done by using the features available on the FIND BLOCK.

* ICON Values
** [{SS-FIND-Search-Icon.jpg' width='50'}]
** [{SS-FIND-Search-Icon.jpg' width='50'}]  - used to initiate Search
** [{SS-FIND-Cancel-Icon.jpg' width='50'}] - used to clear or cancel Search

* In any of the fields, you can enter values or partial values (ie:  Name = %ann) and hit Enter or hit the '->' ICON
** a refined list will be displayed and can be selected from

* In order to clear or cancel a list, hit the [{SS-FIND-Cancel-Icon.jpg' width='50'}] ICON