%%commentbox %%(color:blue)__Latest [Security|Security_Manual.pdf] Manual in PDF format__%% %%

Security set-up is something that needs to be evaluated and defined before going Live (preferably before Parallel Testing) so that users will only have access to what they need to do their work.

The Security Spreadsheet should be filled out after discussions to decide what roles to set up for various types of users, Payroll, HR, etc.

[Define User Information|IMUS]\\
[Define Roles|IMRO]\\
[Assign Roles to Users|IMUR]\\
[Assign Execution Rights|IMER]\\
[Assign Security Rights|IMSV]\\
Establish Form Object Security\\
Establish System Access Rules\\
Reset User Password\\
Reset Self Service Pin\\
Reset Candidate Password\\
Define Security Right Types\\
Establish Object Security