!!Recruitment Sources and Costs __Main Panel__ \\''Description'' \\A Horizontal bar chart shows in the vertical axis the Source for each bar and the Recruitment Cost in the horizontal axis. \\ \\ Source is determined based on the Candidate_Source field on the Candidate form, based on the Candidate’s Submitted_On date value. \\ \\ Costs are determined by Costs linked to the Candidate (by Source). \\ \\ The blue bar displays the matching # of Candidates that match the source for the time period chosen. Mouse-over the bar displays the #, i.e. the # of Candidates found via the Source. \\ \\ An orange bar will appear when costs are linked to the Candidates for the Source. Mouse-over displays the total $ amount for the Source/Candidates. \\ \\ Click on a bar in the table to drill to details. \\ \\''Parameters' *Time Period **Select a time period from the drop-down list. Defaults to “last 6 months”. *Recruitment Source, Recruitment Cost **Select/deselect information to view (click on the colored icons next to the field. \\ \\ __Sub Panel 1 - Candidates from Self-Service Web Source__ \\Table showing the Candidates with Cost Category details: Cost, Cost Date, Posting Code and Recruiter. \\ \\ Click on the Posting # to drill to detailed costs by Posting. \\ \\ Includes: Excel, E-mail links \\ \\ __Sub Panel 2 - Cost for Posting Code__ \\Table showing Costs for the Posting Code selected: Job Profile, Posting Status and the Cost. \\ \\ Includes: Excel, E-mail links