Processing Information#

The Print Pension Activity (RXAC) screen allows you to get a printed report of the pension activities.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
PN Component #1 - 7 Mandatory, LOV Available. The fields PN Component #1 – PN Component #7 indicate the pension components to be listed in this report
Begin Bal. Date Mandatory, Date. This field identifies the first date from which information will be gathered for this field.
Ending Bal. DateThis field identifies the lst date from which information will be gathered for this field.

Report Filters
Pension Plan Multiple Selections, LOV Available. This field allows you to define the pension plans to be produced on the report.
Pension Account Multiple Selections, LOV Available. Pension accounts to be printed on the report can be defined in this field.
Pension Account Status Multiple Selections, LOV Available. The report can be limited to the pension account status(es) defined here.
Department Multiple Selections, LOV Available. The report can be limited to the department(s) defined here.
Authorization Multiple Selections, LOV Available. The report can be limited to the authorization level(s) defined here.
Location Multiple Selections, LOV Available. The report can be limited to the location(s) defined here.
Unit Multiple Selections, LOV Available. The report can be limited to the unit(s) defined here.
Group Multiple Selections, LOV Available. The report can be limited to the group(s) defined here.
Employment Status Multiple Selections, LOV Available. The report can be limited to the employment status(es) defined here

Report Options
Sort Employees By Mandatory, LOV Available. This field indicates how the employee names included in this report will be sorted.
Include Details Mandatory, LOV Available. Should the report include full details about the pension activities?
Show Color Mandatory, LOV Available. If user selects ‘Yes’ in this field, color will be incorporated into the report for ease of reading.

Notes #

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