!!!LIST PREMIUMS The List Premiums (RSPM) form will allow you to produce a list report of all the premiums created in the system. ||Report Parameters|| |__Date Range From__|__Mandatory, Date, LOV available__ |__Date Range To__|__Mandatory, Date LOV available__\\The effective and expiry date of the range must fall within the ‘Date Range From’ and the ‘Date Range To’ dates. |__User Comment__|__Optional, Text__\\Notes or comments to be printed on the selection page of the report are entered here. \\ ||Report List Filters|| |__Entity__|__Optional, LOV available__\\This reduces the list of premiums generated to the those within the entities listed in this field. |__Unit__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\This reduces list of premiums to those within units listed. |__Premium__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\One or more premiums may be specified in this field for printing. |__Premium Type__|__Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available__\\One or more premiums types may be chosen in this field. |__Rate Basis__|__Optional, LOV available__\\Only premiums of the rate basis specified in this field will be printed.