The List Applicants (RRAP) screen allows you to publish a list of applicants either in full detail or listed by various criteria upon request.

||Report Parameters||
|__Appls Opened From__|__Mandatory, Date, LOV available__\\This field allows you to limit the report to applications that were open as of the date specified
|__Appls Opened To__|__Mandaory, Date, LOV available__\\This field allows you to limit the report to applications that were closed as of the date specified

||Report Filters||
|__Entity__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This field allows you to limit the report to the entities specified
|__Application__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This field allows you to specify the exact applications to be printed with this report
|__Status__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This field allows you to limit the report to the application statuses indicated
|__Stage__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This field allows you to limit the report to the applications stages indicated
|__Posting__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This field allows you to limit the report to specific postings
|__Posting Status__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This field allows you to limit the report to specific posting statuses
|__Posting Source__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__\\This field allows you to limit the report to specific posting sources
|__Posting Type__|__Optional, Multiple Selections, LOV available__\\This field allows you to limit the report to specific posting types