!!!RPYEC - CANADIAN PAYROLL YEAR END SUMMARY This report extracts information from YTD according to the Form Code on IDFDV and produces the Summary Total Report by government registration. \\This process also stores the results by GVT Run Number for each employee in the Government Reporting table. !!RPYEC Report Parameters & Filters __Report Parameters__ ||Field||Description |Form Code|Mandatory. Enter the current year Form Code, defined on IDFDV. \\__NOTE__: Always use current year form code, such as HL$CAN-T4-20YY. \\DO NOT use a prior year form code as the Identifiers may be obsolete. \\LOV available |Period Type|Mandatory. Enter the [Period Type|X_IDFD_PERIOD_TYPE], such as Month or Year. LOV available |Period End Date|Mandatory. Enter the end date of the reporting period. LOV Available |As of Date|Mandatory. Enter the start date of the reporting period. LOV Available |Govt Form Option|Mandatory. Defines the type of form to be run. Options are: \\* 01: New forms only \\* 02: All normal forms \\* 03: Duplicate forms \\* 04: Amended forms \\* 05: Rejected forms \\* 06: Cancelled forms. \\ [Govt Form Option|X_GVT_FORM_OPTION] LOV available |Retain Amend/Reject Form|Optional. Should the original forms be retained when issuing an amended or replacement form that was rejected by the Government? \\[Yes/No|X_YES_NO] LOV |Sort Level By|Mandatory. How should the employees be grouped for sorting? \\[Sort Level By|X_T4_SORT_LEVEL] LOV available |Sort People By|Mandatory. How should the employees on the report be sorted? \\[Sort People By|X_PERSON_SORT] LOV available |Sort by Active/Inactive|Optional. Should the employees on the report be sorted by their status?\\ [Sort By|X_W2_SORT_ACTIVE] LOV available |Combine Fed Regist|Optional. Should all the selected Federal Registrations reporting be combined? \\If a Province code is defined in the report filters, users can combine the Federal Registration Numbers with the Provincial Registration Numbers so that employees are grouped together for the same Provincial Registration Numbers. \\ [Yes/No|X_YES_NO] LOV |Directory Name| |File Name| |Trace Level|Optional. Defines the level of detail to be printed on the report. Users should always run RPYEC with the Trace Level set to 'Exceptions Only' for all employees, unless required for tracing or debugging. \\ \\If there is problem in RPYEC and a user needs to determine which employee has the problem, the user should run RPYEC with the Trace Level set to Program Trace. This will print a list of processed employees to determine which employee has the problem. \\ \\When the Trace Level is set to Program Trace, the Select Statements for Federal, State and Local levels are also written as Trace messages. Users can review the select statements by running RMEX for the RPYEC Execution ID. \\ \\ After determining which employee has the problem, users should run RPYEC for one employee with the Trace Level set to Utility Trace to determine the problem in detail. [Trace Level|X_TRACE_LEVEL] LOV available. |Regist/Set Up Audit|Optional. Defines whether to print exceptions that may exist from set up. Options are: \\* 00 Do not print, run \\* 01: Print, do not run \\* 02: Print and run \\* 03: Excp and run. \\ [Print and Run|X_PRINT_AND_RUN] LOV available |Print Employee Detail|Optional. Defines whether to print the report with employee’s detailed information. \\ [Yes/No|X_YES_NO] LOV available |Trial Print Only|Optional. Defines if the Print Stage field on the IPGH form will be updated when the T4s are printed. \\When set to Yes, the field will not be updated. When set to No, the Print Stage will be changed to Forms Printed.\\ [Yes/No|X_YES_NO] LOV |Create Trace File| |Create Data Dump| |Process Remittance|Optional. To generate monthly remittances.\\ [Yes/No|X_YES_NO] LOV |Update Remittance|Optional. To update monthly remittances.\\ [Yes/No|X_YES_NO] LOV |User Comment|Optional. Users can enter text that will print on the header of the report. __Report Filters__ ||Field||Description |Entity|Optional. To define and report on a specific Entity.\\ LOV available |Federal Regist Set|Optional. To define and report on a specific Federal Registration Set, defined on IDGV. \\LOV available |Federal Regist Number|Optional. Defines the Employer Identification Number, defined on IDGV. \\LOV available |People List|Optional. To define and report on the people in the defined list.\\ LOV available |Person|Optional. Enter the Person Code of the employee you are testing with. \\ LOV available |Select Province|Optional. To define and report on a specific Province.\\ LOV available |Province Regist Set|Optional. To define and report on a specific Provincial Registration Set, defined on IDGV. Not required for Annual reporting. \\LOV available |Prov Regist Number|Optional. To define and report on a specific Province Registration Number.\\ LOV available __RPYEC Notes__\\ * The RPYEC process produces a Summary Total Report by Government Registrations. Users must balance this report to the RPREGT report. \\ * Each RPYEC run generates one Government Run Number (GVT Run).\\ * All employees processed by the RPYEC run belong to this GVT Run Number. At end of RPYEC, the Government Reporting Statistics are printed with the generated GVT Run Number. After RPYEC is run, users can go into the IPGR (Government Run) form to view the details by the GVT Run number. \\ * On the IPGR form, the employee’s detail government reporting information can be viewed. Alternately, users can go directly to the IPGH (Government Header) form by employee to view this information. \\ * Users can process many RPYEC runs for different sets of employees. This generates multiple GVT Run numbers. Users can run one RPGRC (Government Reporting) run to pick up all GVT Runs to generate one Print Form file for printing and one government interface file. \\ * Employee’s Government Header information are re-generated by subsequent RPYEC runs if the Government Header has not been filed to the government. The same IPGH information is removed automatically when a new IPGH is re-generated. \\ * At the end of each run, the RPYEC process removes any GVT Run Number that does not have GVT Header associated with it. \\ * Users can run the RPYEC process concurrently for different sets of employees. \\ * At the beginning of the RPYEC run, the Execution Run Log is stamped with the Execution Start Date. At the end of RPYEC run, the Execution End Date is stamped. \\ * For concurrent RPYEC runs that have not been finished with the Execution End Date, any other concurrent RPYEC runs will not remove the GVT Run Number, even if there are no GVT Headers.