!!Processing Information
After the [Worker Compensation|WORKERS' COMPENSATION] contributions are calculated in the pay cycle, you should gather the totals and remit them to the [WC|WORKERS' COMPENSATION] authority. You can run the RPWCW report to produce Total Earnings by WCB class.
!!Report Parameters & Filters
||Report Parameters||
|From Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\Transactions are selected based on date.
|To Date|Mandatory, Date, LOV Available\\Transactions are selected based on date.
|Show Details|Optional, Toggle\\If ON the report will provide all details of the total earnings.
|Sort People By|Mandatory, LOV Available\\You may indicate that the report should sort employee information by person code\\or by last name/first name.
|Trace Level|Optional, LOV Available\\When performing a trial calculation, you may specify the level of message that the\\calculation report should display. This field is used for troubleshooting purposes.
|User Comments|Optional, Text\\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.


||Report Filters||
|Entity| Optional, LOV Available\\This field allows you to indicate the entity for which the report is run.
|Payroll |Optional, LOV Available\\This field is used to limit the report to the payrolls indicated.
|State |Optional, LOV Available\\This field is used to limit the report to the states indicated.
|WC Regist Number|Optional, LOV Available\\This field is used to limit the report to the WC Registration numbers indicated.
|People List|Optional, LOV Available\\This field is used to limit the report to the people lists indicated.
|Person|Optional, LOV Available\\This field is used to limit the report to the persons indicated.

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