Entered and generated pay transactions may be printed through the Print Pay Transactions (RPTR) form. This screen is not an update form.

||Report Parameters||
|__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__\\Limits the process to the entity specified.
|__Date Range From__|__Optional, Date, LOV Available__
|__Date Range To__|__Optional, Date, LOV Available__ \\This allows user to limit the transaction printed based on the dates entered.
|__Sort People By__|__Optional, LOV available__\\Employees will be printed in this order on the report - person code or last name/first\\name.
|__Show Batch Approval__|__Optional, LOV available__
|__Print Distribution (Tabular)__|__Optional, LOV available__
|__Print Premiums (Tabular)__|__Optional, LOV available__
|__Print Zero Time Codes__|__Optional, LOV available__
|__Exclude Money Time Type__|__Optional, Toggle__
|__Tabular View__|__Optional, LOV available__
|__Grid View__|__Optional, LOV available__
|__User Comment__|__Optional, Text__ \\Manually entered text that will be printed in the report header.

||Report Filters||
|__Payroll__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV available__\\Multiple payrolls may be selected per execution of this function.
|__Period__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV available__\\Users may limit the information selected by indicating specific pay periods.
|__User__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV available__\\Users may limit the information selected by indicating the specific users who created the batch.
|__Batch Number__|__Optional, Multiple, and LOV available__ \\Users may limit the information selected by specifying batch numbers.
|__Batch Status__|__ Optional, Multiple, and LOV available__\\Users may limit the information selected by specify the batch status - active, to be \\deleted, processed by UPTR, or closed.