The RPT4W process generates all the data for the employees, the T4 form boxes and the instructions on the reverse side of the form. Pre-printed forms are no longer required. The RPT4W Print process format is based on the current government published T4 Form.

The RPT4W Form Print program prints all information retrieved from the Government Run tables (IPGH/IPGR) created by the RPYEC process according to the Govt Run# selection criteria

  • If an employee has multiple footnote codes to be reported, each T4 form is printed with 6 footnote codes until all footnote codes are printed
  • RPT4W program generates summary totals by each business number at the end of the RPT4W run. A grand total is generated for all business numbers of the run
  • Users must run RMEX with the RPT4W Mex ID to obtain the summary and grand totals to balance to the RPYEC Summary report
  • The RPT4W summary and grand totals are accumulated for the boxes shown on the T4 form. The footnote codes are not totaled.
  • Users should verify the RPT4W boxes balance to the RPYEC report

If the RPT4W process cannot select any information from the Govt Run tables to print, users must run RMEX with the RPT4W Mex ID to review any error or exception messages to locate and resolve the problem. Usually the problem is because of an invalid Govt Run number.

NOTE - the Electronic Consent has been removed which means the employees do not have to give consent in order to get their T4 forms online. The employers will be able to print the forms for selected employees using a new report parameter 'Status Type' and other existing report filters.

RPT4W Report Parameters#

Print T4 CopyMandatory. Defines if the Employee or Employer copy of the T4 will be printed.
Duplicate/AmendedDefines if the report will be run for duplicate or amended copies. Optional
Include Back InformationWhen set to YES, the report will print the information from the back of the T4.
RPGRC XML DirectoryDefines where the RPGRC .xml file is located
RPGRC XML File NameEnter the RPGRC .xml file name
Trial Print OnlyWhen set to YES, the report will be printed in trial form, for verification purposes only. The IPGH ‘Print Stage’ field will not be updated.
Exception LevelDefines the level of detail to be printed on the exception report. Default is Exceptions Only. Optional
Print No e-Consent EEWhen set to YES, the report will print only Employees without e-consent (in IEPT4). print any employee that has given consent in IEPT4. If NO or left blank, then all employees will be printed, regardless if e-consent is given.

RPT4W Report Filters#

People ListA people list may be used to indicate specific employees that are to be processed. Optional
PersonPerson Code of the employee being tested with. Optional
Status TypeThe status type can be used to further qualify employees to be reported, such as Active, Terminated, etc.
Note: If you want to produce T4 forms for employees who are NOT active (status Terminated, Leave, Inactive, etc.) then you must select the value of 'INACTIVE' for this filter.

Sample Setup - for People List#

Below is a screen shot of the Define People List IMPL form and the Maintain Where Clause IMWC form that shows an example of the setup for a People List. This People List (RPT4W LIST) can be used for the filter 'People List'.


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