Processing Information#

A register of sundry transactions may be produced through the Sundry Register (RPSNR) form.

The report will be limited to the organizational level types identified in this field.

Report Filters
People List CodeOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the people lists identified in this field.
PersonOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the persons identified in this field.
DepartmentOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the departments identified in this field.
Org Level TypeOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the organizational level types identified in this field.
Org LevelOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the organizational levels identified in this field.
AuthorizationOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the authorization areas identified in this field.
LocationOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the locations identified in this field.
UnitOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the units identified in this field.
GroupOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the groups identified in this field.
PayrollOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the payrolls identified in this field.
StatusOptional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the statuses identified in this field.

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory,LOV available, <ALL>
The sundry transactions displayed on the report will only come from the entities identified in this field.
Date Range FromDate, LOV available
Only transactions that occurred on or after this date will be reported.
Date Range To Date, LOV available
Only transactions up to and including this date will be reported.
Sort People ByMandatory, LOV available
You may determine how the information should be sorted, by person code or last name. The default setting for all reports is to sort by person code.
Print DetailsOptional, LOV available <YES/NO>
If <Yes> then the sundry details (components, rules, etc.) will be displayed on the report, otherwise no details will display on the report.
Print ArrearsMandatory, LOV available <NO>
If YES, the report will include arrears with the list of sundries.
Trace LevelOptional, LOV available <NO>
You may select the level of logging desired: ‘Exceptions Only’, ‘User Trace’, ‘Internal Level’ ‘Legislation’, ‘UserCalc Trace’, ‘Program Trace’ or Utility Trace.

Notes #

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