!!Processing Information
A register of sundry transactions may be produced through the Sundry Register (RPSNR form. 
Optional, LOV Available
The report will be limited to the organizational level types identified in this field.

||Report Filters||
|People List Code|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the people lists identified in this field.
|Person|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the persons identified in this field.
|Department|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the departments identified in this field.
|Org Level Type|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the organizational level types identified in this field.
|Org Level|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the organizational levels identified in this field.
|Authorization|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the authorization areas identified in this field.
|Location|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the locations identified in this field.
|Unit|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the units identified in this field.
|Group|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the groups identified in this field.
|Payroll|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the payrolls identified in this field.
|Status|Optional, LOV Available\\The report will be limited to the statuses identified in this field.
||Report Parameters||
|Entity|Mandatory,LOV available, <ALL>\\The sundry transactions displayed on the report will only come from the entities identified in this field.
|Date Range From|Date, LOV available \\Only transactions that occurred on or after this date will be reported.
|Date Range To |Date, LOV available\\Only transactions up to and including this date will be reported.

|Sort People By|Mandatory, LOV available\\You may determine how the information should be sorted, by person code or last name. The default setting for all reports is to sort by person code.

|Print Details|Mandatory, LOV available <NO>\\If YES, the report will only produce a list of sundries without details.

|Print Arrears|Mandatory, LOV available <NO>\\If YES, the report will only produce a list of the job profile(s) without details.

|Trace Level|Mandatory, LOV available <NO>\\If YES, the report will only produce a list of the job profile(s) without details.

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