The RPRL2W process prints the Releve 2 forms.

RPRL2W Report Parameters

Print RL2 CopyMandatory. Defines if the Employer or Employee copy will be printed. Options are:
* 01:Employer copy. Prints 1 employee on 1 page. Use as the Employer Copy to send to the government or keep for reference.
* 02: Employee copy. Print 1 employee on 1 page. Use as the Employee Copy to distribute to the employees.
Print RL2 Copy lexicon available.
Trial Print OnlyWhen this toggle is set to YES, users can print RL-2 slips for verification.
When set to NO (non-trial mode), RPRL2W updates the Gvt Headers Govt Print Stage of the run.
Exception LevelDefines the level of detail on the exception report. Users should always run with this field set to 'Exceptions Only', unless required for tracing.
Optional. Trace Level lexicon available.
Duplicate/AmendedDefines if this is a 'Duplicate' or 'Amended' run.
Optional. Text

RPRL2W Report Filters
PersonPerson Code of the employee being tested with. Optional. Multiple selection and LOV available.
GVT RunMandatory.
Defines the GVT Run number to extract the data from and produce the RL-2 slips.