The RPRL1 process will print the Releve 1 forms. __This process is used for Oracle Reports only.__  Please refer to RPRL1W for Windward Report Parameters.\\ \\

__RPRL1 Report Parameters - *Oracle Reports Only__
|Print RL1 Copy|Mandatory.  Defines if the Employer or Employee copy will be printed.  Options are:  \\* 01:Employer copy. Prints 3 employees on 1 page.  Use as the Employer Copy to send to the government or keep for reference. \\* 02: Employee copy. Print 1 employee 3 times on 1 page.  Use as the Employee Copy to distribute to the employees. \\[Print RL1 Copy|X_T4_FORMS] lexicon available.
|Exception Level|Defines the level of detail on the exception report.  Users should always run with this field set to 'Exceptions Only', unless required for tracing.\\Optional.  [Trace Level|X_TRACE_LEVEL] lexicon available.\\
|Duplicate/Amended|Defines if this is a 'Duplicate' or 'Amended' run.//Optional. Text
|Test Form Set-up|Allows users to test their printer set up prior to running the actual RL-1 slips.  High Line recommends all users should run RPRL1 with this toggle set to YES to print a sample on the actual RL-1 slip to confirm the correct margin page set up. Users should do a printer set up test each time a different printer is used. \\Optional.  [Yes or No|X_YES_NO] lexicon available\\
|Show RL1 Form|Allows users to print RL-1 slips with the form setup lines.  When running RPRL1 for the actual form printing, __DO NOT__ set this toggle to Yes.\\When set to YES, RPRL1 will print the RL-1 Form image on the background for users to view the RL-1 information.\\  \\The downloaded form is for viewing and testing purposes only and __should not__ be used to submit to the government or distributed to the employees.  Users must print the Releve1 on the pre-printed forms as they contain the correct wording printed on the back of the form.  Optional.  [Yes or No|X_YES_NO] lexicon available
|Trial Print Only|When this toggle is set to YES, users can print RL-1 slips for verification. \\When set to NO (non-trial mode), RPRL1 updates the Gvt Headers Govt Print Stage of the run.
|Directory Name|Enter a valid Directory name.  Must be the same as RPGRC run.  \\Optional. Text
|XML File Name|Enter the name of the XML File generated from RPGRC with the _HL.xml file extension.  \\Optional.  Text
|Adjust Top Margin|Defines the adjustment spacing for the Top Margin when printing the RL-1 slip. \\Optional.  [Adjust Top Margin|X_TOP_MARGIN_ADJ], Lexicon available
|Between Form|Defines the adjustment spacing between RL-1 slips that are printed on the same page.  \\Optional.  [Between Form|X_BTWN_FORM_SPACE], Lexicon available
|Show Frame|Allows users to print RL-1 slips with the form setup lines.  When running RPRL1 for the actual form printing, __DO NOT__ set this toggle to YES.\\Optional.  [Yes or No|X_YES_NO], Lexicon available\\When set to YES, the frame will be displayed on the report.

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__Report Filters__
|Person Code|Person Code of the employee being tested with.  Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available.