!!!CURRENT PAY REGISTER All of the pay amounts (pay component values) that have been calculated may be viewed by producing a Payrun Register. This process may be done through the Produce Pay Run Register (RPREGC) form. You may access this feature under the Reports/Updates menu: __Payroll > Produce Pay Run Register__ The register is produced by pay run, broken down by pays within the payrun and a grand total of the payrun. ||Report Parameters|| |__Pay Run Stage__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\The report will be limited to the pays at the ‘stages’ identified in this field. \\e.g. Audited, To Be Audited, Closed |__Provide Totals By__|__Mandatory, LOV Available, <No Totals>__ \\This field indicates how the values for the report should be totalled. |__Date Type__|__Mandatory,LOV Available__ \\This field provides the option of providing totals 'as of' the pay issue date \\ or the pay ending date. |__Demographics Date__|__Optional, Date, LOV Available__\\This field will indicate the ‘as of ‘date for employee information (e.g. employee’s\\position, unit, etc.). This field is used when the report covers multiple pay periods,\\during which time the employee information may have changed. |__Org Level Type__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\The report will be limited to the organizational level types identified in this field. |__Register Sort Element__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\The report will be limited to the element identified in this field. |__Heading for ‘Other’ PC’s__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\If the user has selected an element to sort the register by, any pay components that \\are not included in that element will be listed separately. The heading for that listing \\should be stated here. |__Number of Decimals__|__Mandatory, LOV Available, <Two Decimals>__\\This field identifies how many decimal points should be displayed at the end of each \\figure. \\<Two Decimals> \\<Four Decimals> |__Report Heading__|__Optional, Text__ \\This field allows the user to insert a heading at the top of each page of the report. ||Report Filters|| |__Pay Calendar__|__Optional, Multiple Selections, LOV Available, <ALL>__ \\The report will be limited to the pay calendars identified in this field. |__Pay Run Period__|__Optional, Multiple Selections, LOV Available, <ALL>__ \\The report will be limited to the pay periods identified in this field. |__Pay Run Number__|__Optional, Multiple Selections, LOV Available, <ALL>__ \\The report will be limited to the pay runs identified in this field. ||Report Options|| |__Print Pay Details__|__Optional, LOV Available__ |__Print Report Totals__|__Optional, LOV Available__ |__Print Zero Pay Components__|__Optional, LOV Available__ |__Print Arrears__|__Optional, LOV Available__ |__Sort Employees By__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__ |__Show Colors__|__Optional, LOV Available__