Processing Information#

All of the information on the pay headers, pay lines, pay details, etc. may be printed for a detailed analysis through the Print Pay Profiles (RPPH) form.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory, LOV available
PayrollMandatory, LOV available

Report Filters
People List CodeOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
Person CodeOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
DepartmentOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
Org Level TypeOptional, LOV available
Org LevelOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
AuthorizationOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
LocationOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
UnitOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
GroupOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
StatusOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
Pay PeriodOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
Pay NumberOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available

Notes #

Click to create a new notes page