The Payroll G/L Distribution Report (RPGLX) will print a list of payroll G/L distributions.  This function generates the report as an Excel spreadsheet. This is one of 2 options available to replace the now deprecated RPGLW report (RPGLP is the other option). 
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||Report Parameters||
|G/L Company Code|Mandatory, LOV Available\\This field allows users to define a G/L company for the report.
|Entity|Optional, LOV Available\\Limits the report to the defined the entity.
|Payroll|Optional, LOV Available\\Limits the report to the defined the payroll.
|From Fiscal Period|Optional, LOV Available\\Limits the report to the defined start date of the fiscal period.
|Up to Fiscal Period|Optional, LOV Available\\Limits the report to the defined end date of the fiscal period.
|From Pay Issue Date|Optional,Date, LOV Available\\Limits the report to the defined Pay Issue start date.
|To Pay Issue Date|Optional,Date, LOV Available\\Limits the report to the defined Pay Issue end date.
|From Execution ID|Optional, LOV Available\\An Execution ID of an updated GL Interface run that generates Journal Entries to the General Ledger system.
|Posted Execution ID|Optional, LOV Available\\An Execution ID of an updated GL Interface run that generates Journal Entries to the General Ledger system.
|Costed Execution ID|Optional, LOV Available\\An Execution ID of an updated GL Interface run that generates Journal Entries to the Financial Cost Module
|Print in Detail|Optional,[Yes or No|X_YES_NO], Lexicon available\\When set to YES, the journal entry details are displayed on the report, otherwise no details are displayed.
|Exception Level|Optional,[Trace Level|X_TRACE_LEVEL], Lexicon available.\\Defines the exception level (report messages) required.
|User Comment|Optional, Text\\Users can add a comment that will appear in the header of all pages of the report.

||Report Filters||
|Pay Run Number|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\Limits the report to the defined pay run numbers.
|Journal Source|Optional,[Journal Source|X_JOURNAL_SOURCE],Multiple selection and LOV available\\Limits the report to the defined journal source(s).
|Journal Type|Optional,[Journal Type|X_JOURNAL_TYPE], Multiple selection and LOV available\\Limits the report to the defined journal type(s).
|Person|Optional, Multiple selection and LOV available\\Limits the report to the defined people.
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