The Payroll Journal Entries Report (RPGL) should be run after the Labor and Payroll G/L Update, to verify the journal entries.

The Execution ID of the General Ledger Update ([UPLG]/[UPGL]) is an important key to producing the report of the process.

Entering in the GL Company and the Execution ID from the [UPGL] run is all that is needed to execute this function.

||Report Parameters||
|__GL Company Code__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__ \\GL Company that the pays must be journalized for, as set up in the [IDGC] form.
|__Entity__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\This field limits the report to the entity specified.
|__Payroll__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\This field limits the report to the payroll specified.
|__Pay Run Number__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\This field limits the report to the Pay Run Number(s) specified.
|__From Fiscal Period__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\This field allows the report to print from the selected pay period (according to the \\[IDCL] setup).
|__Up to Fiscal Period__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\This field allows the report to print up to and including this fiscal period (according \\to the [IDCL] set up).
|__From Pay Issue Date__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\This field allows the report to print from the selected pay issue date.
|__To Pay Issue Date__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\This field allows the report to print up to and including the selected pay issue date.
|__Posted Execution ID__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\This is the Execution ID from a previously posted G/L Interface ([UPGLF]).
|__Costed Execution ID__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\This is the Execution ID from the Financial Cost Control Interface.
|__Up to 10 Dist. Mask__|
|__Create RPGL File__|__Optional, Toggle__\\If ON, RPGL will generate a comma delimited file that contains all journal entries \\printed. You may take this file to an Excel spreadsheet for auditing purpose and\\perform calculations or totalling.\\If OFF, RPGL will not create a file.
|__Directory Name__|__Optional, Text__\\If Create RPGL file is ‘ON’ then a directory name is required. Must be a directory\\on the server for which the current user (as signed onto the client’s network) has \\write capability. For example the entry ‘C:\TEMP’ accesses the ‘TEMP’ directory on \\the server, not the local directory for the computer terminal being used.
|__RPGL File Name__|__Optional, Text__\\If Create RPGL file is ‘ON’ then a file name is required. \\e.g. RPGL_mex.csv Where ‘mex’ is the current run [MEX_ID] and ‘.csv’ will \\automatically open the file with an Excel spreadsheet.
|__# of Records per File__|__Optional, Text__ \\When running a large number of journal entries, you may split them into multiple \\files each containing a defined number of records. You may define the number of \\records to be contained in each file here. \\The file names will be numbered in sequential order.
|__Trace Level__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\You may specify the level of messages that the report should display. This field is \\used for troubleshooting purposes.