!!!PRE-CALC EXCEPTION REPORT You may need to see the arrears that will be collected from the pay prior to running the pay calculation. This RPEXCP is a report, not an update and is a completely optional function. If this report is to be run then it must be done prior to the audit process. You may access this feature under the Reports/Updates menu: __Payroll > Pre-Calc Exception Report__ Pays may not be at the audited stage. If the pre calc report needs to be run then the pay(s) need to be unprepared before running the report. ||Report Parameters|| |__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV available__ |__Payroll__|__Mandatory, LOV available__ |__Hours Element__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Amount Element__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV available__ \\‘0 – 9’ available \\ \\ ||Report Filters|| |__Pay Category__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Unit__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Group__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Department__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Org Level Type__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Org Level__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Person Code__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Pay Period__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__ \\ \\ ||Report Options|| |__Sort By Employee Name__|__Mandatory, LOV available__ |__Print Arrears__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Print Total for Entity__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Print Total for Org Levels__|__Optional, LOV available__ |__Print Total for Department__|__Optional, LOV available__