If your organization is printing deposits notices then a list of the deposits should be run to audit against. You may use the Print Deposit List (RPDP) form to run this deposit list.

The deposit list may be produced before or after the deposit notification forms have been printed, by using the ‘Include Printed Deposits’ and the ‘Include Unprinted Deposit’ toggles.

This process may be used for a current deposit list or historical deposit list.

Pre-notification deposits can be included on the report using the ‘Include Pre-notification’ toggle.

||Report Parameters||
|__Payroll Bank Account__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__\\The bank account from where the deposits are drawn.
|__From Pay Issue Date__|__Optional, Date, LOV Available__\\The earliest issue date of the deposits that will qualify for this list.
|__To Pay Issue Date__|__Optional, Date, LOV Available__\\The latest issue date of the deposits that will qualify for this list.

||Report Options||
|__Sort By__|__Optional, Lexicon Available__\\This field allows you indicate how the information will be sorted on the report.\\e.g. Person Code, Employee Number
|__Include Printed Deposits__|__Optional, Yes/No Toggle__\\If <Yes>, printed deposits will be included on the report.
|__Include Unprinted Deposits__|__Optional, Yes/No Toggle__\\If <Yes>, unprinted deposits will be included on the report.
|__Include Deposits Sent to Bank__|__Optional, Yes/No Toggle__\\If <Yes>, deposits already sent to the bank will be included on the report.
|__Include Prenoficiations__|__Optional, Yes/No Toggle__\\If <Yes>, prenotifications will be included on the report.
|__Show Color__|__Optional, LOV available, <No/Yes>__\\If YES, the report will be printed in color.