Processing Information#

If your organization is printing check stubs, a list of the checks should be printed for audit purposes. You may use the Print Check List (RPCH) form to run this check list.

The check lists may be produced before or after the checks have been printed, by using the ‘Include Printed Checks’ and the ‘Include Unprinted Check’ toggles.

This process may be used for a current check list or historical check list. Void checks, cleared check and outstanding checks may also be listed.

There are enough parameter options in RPCH to allow you to produce check lists for a multitude of purposes.


Parameter Conditions#

Please review the following conditions for selecting the report parameters before running RPCH

1. At least one of the following toggles must be chosen:

You will want to see checks that have been either printed or not yet printed regardless of their status, indicated by the 'Printed' toggle on IPCH.

2. At least one of the following 3 must be chosen:

3. If you select Included Void Checks Only, the system will ignore ALL previous toggles and prints all checks with a status of 'Manually Voided', 'Computer Voided ' and 'Replaced Check'.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
Payroll Bank AccountMandatory, LOV Available
The bank account from where the checks are drawn.
From Issue DateOptional, Date, LOV Available
The earliest issue date of the checks that will qualify for this list.
To Issue DateOptional, Date, LOV Available
The latest issue date of the checks that will qualify for this list.
Sort ByOptional, LOV Available
Check Number, Person Code, Employee Name
Include PrintedOptional, Toggle
If ‘ON’ then the all checks indicated as printed will be included.
Include UnprintedOptional, Toggle
If ‘ON’ then the all checks indicated as NOT printed will be included.
Include VoidedOptional, Toggle
If ‘ON’ then the all checks with a status of ‘Voided’ (manually or computer) will be included.
Include ClearedOptional, Toggle
If ‘ON’ then the all checks with a status of ‘Cleared’ (manually or computer) will be included.
Include OutstandingOptional, Toggle
If ‘ON’ then the all checks with a status of outstanding in the disbursements table (IPDS) included.
Include ReconciledOptional, Toggle
If “ON” then all checks with a status of ‘Reconciled’ will be included.
Include VOID Checks ONLYOptional, Toggle
If ‘ON’ then the ONLY checks with a status of voided (manually or computer) will be included.
Show ColorOptional, Toggle

Notes #

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