You may wish to print out a listing of the batches and their stages.

This section explains the List Batches report and its associated fields.

You may access this feature under the Reports/Updates menu: __Payroll > List Batches__

||Report Parameters||
|__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV available__
|__Include Eligible__|__Mandatory, LOV available__ \\Not Eligible or Eligible or Both
|__Include Balanced__|__Optional, LOV available__ \\Not Balanced or Balanced or Both
|__Include Audited__|__Mandatory, LOV available__ \\Not Audited or Audited or Both
|__As Of__|__Mandatory, date, LOV available__

||Report List Filters||
|__Payroll__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__User Name__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__
|__Batch Number__|__Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available__