The Canadian Automated Earnings (RPAERS) report will print a list of Canadian Automated Earnings.

Report Parameters
EntityMandatory,LOV Available
This field allows you to chose the entity for which the report is being printed.
PayrollMandatory,LOV Available
This field allows you to chose the entity for which the report is being printed.
Form CodeMandatory,LOV Available
This field allows you to chose the form code for which the report is being printed.
Federal Regist NumberMandatory,LOV Available
This field allows you to chose the federal registration number for which the report is being printed.
From Date/To DateMandatory,Date, LOV Available
These fields indicate the dates for which information is to be collected for the report.
Test PersonOptional,LOV Available
This field allows you to choose a test person for the report.
Sort People ByOptional,Sort People By, Lexicon available
This field will indicate how the people information will be sorted.
Directory NameOptional,Text
This field allows you to provide a directory name.
File NameOptional,Text
This field allows you to provide a file name.
Print in DetailOptional,Optional,Yes or No, Lexicon available
Trace LevelOptional,Trace Level, Lexicon available. This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.

Report Filters
People ListOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the people list selected

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