!!!US 1099R FORMS
The US 1099R Forms (REMPF) report will print a list of 1099R forms.

||Report Parameters||
|EE/ER Copy|Optional,[EE/ER Copy|X_W2_COPY], Lexicon available\\This field allows you to indicate if an employee or employer copy is to be produced.
|State|Optional, LOV available\\This field allows you to define the state the report for which the report is being produced.
|Show 1099R Form|Optional,[Yes or No|X_YES_NO], Lexicon available\\If <Yes> then the 1099R form will be displayed on the report.
|Corrected Toggle|Optional,[Yes or No|X_YES_NO], Lexicon available
|Reissued/Corrected|Optional, Text
|Exception Level|Optional, [Exception Level|X_TRACE_LEVEL], Lexicon available. This field defines the exception level (report messages) required.

|Test Form Set Up|Optional,[Yes or No|X_YES_NO], Lexicon available
|User Comment|

||Report Parameters (*Oracle Report Only)||
|Directory Name(*)|Optional 100 Varchar  Enter a valid Directory and Folder name that contains the XML file, e.g. C:\temp
|XML File Name(*)|Optional 100 Varchar  Enter XML File name generated by RPYEU, e.g. W2_mex.xml
|Adjust Top Margin(*)|Optional X_TOP_MARGIN_ADJ
|Between Form(*)|Optional X_BTWN_FORM_SPACE
|Show Frame(*)|Optional,[Yes or No|X_YES_NO], Lexicon available\\If <Yes> then the frame will be displayed on the report.

||Report Filters||
|GVT Run (WW only)|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This will limit the report to the GVT runs selected
|Person|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This will limit the report to the people selected

[{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated'

[{InsertPage page='Internal.RP1099R' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] 	
