ROE OTHER3 DESC is a user defined field required for Canadian ROE processing using the UPROEF function.

This specifies the Code for Other Monies. You may enter one letter or the entire description from below, only the first letter will be used to send to the interface file, HRSDC ROE web program will print the full description. This must be one of the following codes from HRSDC web site:

  • A - Anniversary Payout
  • B - Bonus
  • E - Severance Pay
  • G - Gratuities
  • H - Honorariums
  • I - Sick Leave Credits
  • N - Pension(s)
  • O - Other
  • R - Retirement Leave Credits
  • S - Settlement Pay
  • U - Supplemental Unemployment Benefits
  • V - Vacation Pay
  • Y - Pay in Lieu of Notice
If the user field does not exist on the IMUF screen, the UPROEF program will generate the user fields automatically when run. If you are a first time user for UPROEF (ROE Web), please run UPROEF in Trial mode for any one employee. UPROEF will generate all user-defined fields needed for ROE.

This user defined field is normally attached to the IEEI form.

User Field Definition in IMUF
Prompt ROE Other3 Desc:
Type Char
User Field UsageUser Defined


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