The ROE ORGNUM is a user defined field required for Canadian ROE processing using the [UPROEF] function. The ROE ORGNUM is a 15 alphanumeric field and is used to identify the owner’s organization number of the CRA Payroll Account Number. This user defined field is normally attached to the [IDGR] form. ;User Field Definition in [IMUF] ||Field||Value |[Table Name|TABLE_NAME]|[P2K_CM_GROUP_DETAILS] |[User Field|USER_FIELD_NAME]| ROE ORGNUM |[Prompt|FIELD_PROMPT]|ROE OrgNum issued by CRA: |[Type|FIELD_TYPE]| Char |[User Field Usage|USER_FIELD_USAGE]|User Defined ---- ![Notes|Edit:Internal.ROE ORGNUM (UDF)] [{InsertPage page='Internal.ROE ORGNUM (UDF)' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]