!!!REPORT WORK FLOW ACTIONS There are a several purposes for running the RMWF report: # To report on the Work Flow Actions, # To launch reports that were toggle to be run by RMWF, # To send emails that are now due to be sent, or # To send batched emails. If you have need of any of points 2 through 4 then you will probably want to schedule the RMWF report to run everyday automatically. Since "Batched" workflow actions are not processed until RMWF has been run, they will remain as "incomplete" in the workflow logs. They will only be indicated as completed after RMWF has been processed. [{Image src='RMWF.JPG' width='600' align='center' link='attach/RMWF/RMWF.JPG'}] RMWF can now process ALL report work flow actions. It also now supports 2 of the 3 newer event recipients for email the WF action log report output to. It supports the current identity and the specific identity event recipients. It does not support emailing to a people list. When a Work Flow Action for a Report is executed by RMWF it will email the report output back to the recipient designated in the workflow action log. IF no email address is found for the recipient then the report output will go to a file in the working directory named with the recipient information (exactly what depends on the recipient type) and the workflow action log id number. The RMWF process should be scheduled to run periodically. Whether that is once per day or more or less will depend upon your business requirements. !Report Parameters ;Show Action Context: Select Yes if you would like to see the context of the workflow action. If not, then leave blank or select No. ;Process Event Action: Select Yes if you would like to process the workflow action event. If Yes is NOT selected, then the workflow action will not be processed. ;Due From Optional: This is a date field that specifies the due date of the workflow action event. Specifically this field indicates the beginning of a date range. ;Due To Optional: This is a date field that specifies the due date of the workflow action event. Specifically, this field indicates the beginning of a date range. !Report Filters ;Action: This is a field that is used to specify the workflow action event that is to be queried in the report. Multiple values can be selected for running with. ;Action Directed to: This field corresponds to the recipient type of the workflow action. Multiple values can be selected for running with. ;Type: This field specifies the type of action used for the workflow. Multiple values can be selected for running with [{Image src='RMWF_Output.JPG' width='600' align='center' link='attach/RMWF/RMWF_Output.JPG'}]