||Report Parameters|| 
|Change Date From| Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available 
|Change Date To| Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available Delete 
|After Report|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available 

||Report Filters|| 
|Table Name|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\ This field allows you to define the table names you wish to have included in the report. 
|User Name|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\ This field allows you to define the user names you wish to have included in the report. 
|Change Action|Optional, Multiple selections, LOV available\\ This field allows you to define the change actions you wish to have included in the report. 

Note - this report works on a generic basis reporting information on tables that have a direct tie to the key employee tables.  The information driving this report is derived based on the Table Details information.  It can not report change information from lower level tables (Leave Line Details, etc.) as there is no direct link to the key employee tables.

!Tables supported by this function in 4.10:
||Table Name	||Alias

!Table support added for 4.11:
||Table Name	||Alias

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