The View Data Change Logs (RMCL) form is used to view the Change Log records to see what has been changed in the system. Specifying Yes to Display Changed Value will also show the details of the values in each column that was changed.

Report Parameters
Data Range From / To Optional, Date, LOV Available
These fields allow you to limit the report data change logs that occur during the dates indicated.
Change ActionOptional, Multiple selections, LOV Available
This field allows you to limit the report to change actions indicated in this field.
Display Changed Value Optional, LOV available, <YES/NO>
If YES, the report will show changed values in the report.
Deplete Log RecordsOptional, LOV available, <YES/NO>
If YES, the report will delete the log record after the report is run.
User CommentsOptional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.

Report Filters
Table NameOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
This field allows you to define the tables you wish to have included in the report.
User NameOptional, Multiple selections, LOV available
This field allows you to define the users you wish to have included in the report.

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