List of Complaints#

Processing Informaiton#

The Report Complaints (RLCM) form allows you to produce a report providing information about the complaints recorded in ILCM

While none of these fields are mandatory, at least ONE of these fields must be filled to run the report.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
User Comment Optional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.

Report Filters
Complaint You may identify in this field the entity for which information should be produced.
Person You may identify in this field the entity for which information should be produced.
Entity You may identify in this field the entity for which information should be produced.
Unit You may identify in this field the unit for which information should be produced.
Location You may identify in this field the location for which information should be produced.
Department You may identify in this field the department for which information should be produced.
Dispute TypeYou may identify in this field the dispute type for which information should be produced.
GrievanceYou may identify in this field the grievance for which information should be produced.
Disciplinary IssueYou may identify in this field the disciplinary issue for which information should be produced

Notes #

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