!!Processing Information
Incident Statements (RHIN) can be produced to provide a detailed report of all incidents that have occurred within an entity or multiple entities.

!!RHIN Report Parameters 
|From Date|The start date of the reporting period
|To Date|The end date of the reporting period
|Show Witnesses|When set to YES, the witnesses to the incident(s) will be displayed on the report.
|Show Associated Costs|When set to YES, the associated costs for the incident(s) will be displayed on the report.
|Show Health Issues|When set to YES, the any health issues associated with the incident(s) will be displayed on the report.
|User Comment|Users can enter a comment that will print on the header of all pages of the report.

!!RHIN Report Filters
|Incident|Defines the specific incident(s) to report on
|Incident Status|To define and report on incident(s) with a specific status(es)
|Incident Type|To define and report on incident(s) with a specific type(s)
|Incident Category|To define and report on incident(s) with a specific category(ies)
|Entity|Defines the entity(ies) to report on
|Location|Defines the location(s) to report on

[{InsertPage page='Internal.RHIN' default='Click to create a new notes page'}]