Processing Information#

Incident Statements (RHIN) can be produced to provide a detailed report of all incidents that have occurred within an entity or multiple entities.

RHIN Report Parameters #

From DateThe start date of the reporting period
To DateThe end date of the reporting period
Show WitnessesWhen set to YES, the witnesses to the incident(s) will be displayed on the report.
Show Associated CostsWhen set to YES, the associated costs for the incident(s) will be displayed on the report.
Show Health IssuesWhen set to YES, the any health issues associated with the incident(s) will be displayed on the report.
User CommentUsers can enter a comment that will print on the header of all pages of the report.

RHIN Report Filters#

IncidentDefines the specific incident(s) to report on
Incident StatusTo define and report on incident(s) with a specific status(es)
Incident TypeTo define and report on incident(s) with a specific type(s)
Incident CategoryTo define and report on incident(s) with a specific category(ies)
EntityDefines the entity(ies) to report on
LocationDefines the location(s) to report on

Notes #

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