The U.S. Federal Veterans’ Status (REVSW) report allows you to print a report on the veteran status of employees within the system using Windward.
This report is based on the Veteran field on Maintain Personal Information [IEPI] form.

||Report Parameters||
|Entity|Mandatory, LOV Available\\This field limits the report to one entity.
|As Of|Date, LOV Available\\This is the date from which the information will be collected from based on 12 months from As of Date selected. For example, As Of date is 30-Sept-2012, then the REVSW reports data from 01-Oct-2011 to 30-Sept-2012. 
|User Comment|Optional, Text\\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.
|Employer ID|Mandatory\\Employer ID Number,  nine (9) digit number assigned by the I.R.S. to the contractor.
|Type of Reporting Org|Optional, LOV Available
|Contact Person|Optional, Text
|Contact Phone|Optional, Text
|Contact Email|Optional,Text
|Directory Name|Optional, Manual
|VETS-4212 File Name|Optional, Manual

||Report Filters||
|People List Code|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This field will limit the report to the people lists selected.
|Person|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This field will limit the report to the people selected. 
|Department|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This will limit the report to the departments selected.
|Org Level Type|Optional, Lexicon Available\\This will limit the report to the organization level type selected.\\__Note:__ Org Level Type MUST be specified IF you are using the Sort Option of Org Level OR if you want to filter by Org Levels.
|Org Level|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This will limit the report to the organization levels selected.
|Authorization|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This will limit the report to the authorization levels selected.
|Unit|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This field will limit the report to the units selected.
|Group|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This field will limit the report to the groups selected.
|Employment Status|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This field will limit the report to the employment status selected.

New set up: The [IDOL] now needs to be set up with either E1 or E2 org level types because the REVS report has been modified to report only on these two org types. 

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