!!RET - Return A Value To Another USERCALC Or Program

This command allows a Function or Qualifier to return a value to another [UserCalc] or program.

The RET command appears only at line 99999 in Functions and Qualifiers.

Functions may return a Number, Char(acter), Date or Boolean (True, False) variable. 

Qualifiers may only return Boolean (True, False) variable.

As line 99999 may only be used one time, users must refer to a variable in the Return statement. That variable contains the Number, Char(acter), Date or Boolean result.

;Statement: If the employee is hired after January 1st, 1990 they are entitled to a vacation accrual. This UserCalc is placed on Attendance Component A010 - Preprocessing UserCalc.

||Line||CMD||OT||Operand 1||OPER||OT||Operand2||OT||Operand3||If Goto||Else GoTo
|00010|	IF|DB|	EEM.HIRE_DATE|	GT|	D|	01-JAN-1990|	| |00100|	00200
|00100|	LET|V|	GIVE ACCRUAL|	EQ|	B|	TRUE	|	| |99999|
|00200|	LET|V|	GIVE ACCRUAL|	EQ|	B|	FALSE	|	| |99999|	
|99999|	RET|V|	GIVE ACCRUAL|	|	|		|	| |99999|

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