!!!LIST OF EMPLOYEES BY POSITION The List Positions and Employees (REPC) report allows you to print a list of positions and the employees that are in those positions. ||Report Parameter|| |__As of__|__Date, LOV Available__ \\This is the date that the information will be collected from. |__Print Vacant Only__|__Mandatory, Yes or No, LOV available__ \\If <Yes> then only vacant positions will be displayed on the report. |__Print Details__|__Mandatory, Yes or No, LOV available__ \\If <Yes> then the policy details (components, rules, etc.) will be displayed on the report, otherwise no details will display on the report. |__Print Premiums__|__Mandatory, Yes or No, LOV available__ \\If `Yes", the all the premiums for this pay transaction will be printed. |__User Comment__|__Optional, Text__ \\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report. ||Report List Filters|| |__Entity__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available __ \\This will limit the report to the entities listed. |__Location__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available __ \\This will limit the report to the locations selected. |__Auth Area__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__ \\This will limit the report to the authorization areas selected |__Department__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__ \\This will limit the report to the departments selected. |__Org Level Type__|__Optional, Lexicon Available__ \\This will limit the report to the organization level type selected.\\__Note:__ Org Level Type MUST be specified IF you are using the Sort Option of Org Level OR if you want to filter by Org Levels. |__Org Level__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__ \\This will limit the report to the organization levels selected. |__Unit__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__ \\This will limit the report to the units selected. |__Group__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__ \\This will limit the report to the groups selected. |__Payroll__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__ \\This field will limit the report to the payrolls selected. |__Job__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__ \\This field will limit the report to the jobs selected. |__Position__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__ \\This will limit the report to those positions selected. |__Position Standing__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\Active, Frozen, Obsolete |__Position Type__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__ \\This field will limit the report to the position types selected. |__Budget Rule__|__Optional, LOV Available__ \\Not Budgeted, Budgeted, Encumbered