The Report Official Languages Information (REOLA) report will produce a report and a series of files for submission to the Canadian government in support of the Official Languages Information System II Version 2 (OLIS II).

!!Set Up Required
All data must be entered for each employee in the system in order to generate this report.

A list of valid Bilingual Regions is stored in a 'Fixed' lexicon with the lexicon name [X_BILINGUAL_REGIONS]. 

The [X_BILINGUAL_SUPERVISORS] lexicon is a user defined lexicon used only in L2 table of this report to account for the of number of supervisors who are required to be bilingual. A starter set of data is provided that looks like this, but you must fill in the appropriate number for each region.

The Saved Value - M means Montreal\\
The Saved Value - NB means New Brunswick\\
The Saved Value - NCR means National Capital Region\\
The Saved Value - ONE means Ontario North & East\\
The Saved Value - QO means Quebec - Other\\

If you need to change the number of supervisors required to be bilingual for the particular bilingual region described above, then 'Displayed Value' and 'Meaning' for that region must be changed from '0' to that number. 

Only numeric values can be used for that lexicon.

!Location Settings [IDLN]:
|Bilingual Region|This is a lexicon field and each location must be assigned to the correct Bilingual Region according to the Annex C of the OLIS II - V2 document, if applicable.
|Bilingual Location|This is a toggle field that must be checked if location belongs to one of the Bilingual Region (See Annex C of the OLIS II - V2).

!Department Settings [IDDP]:
|Office Code|According to the OLIS II - V2 the office code is established with TBS during the implementation of the policies on services to the public. After it is established, the office code must be assigned to each applicable department. 

!Position Settings [IDPS]:
|Provide Public Service|This is a toggle field that must be checked if position designed for public service.
|Provide Internal Service|This is a toggle field that must be checked if position for internal service.

If the position is designed for both internal and public services, then both toggles must be checked. 

|Supervisory|This is toggle field that must be checked if it is the supervisor position.

These settings must be done for each position designed for the bilingual locations only.

The above rules MUST be set up in position level, they will then be defaulted down to the employee as they take on the position. However, in the IEAS screen, the user will be permitted to change this setting individually for each employee later. 

!Employee settings [IEPI]:
|Alt Language|This is a lexicon field that uses the same lexicon values as a Language field. If employee performs service in more then one language this field must be used. If this language is either English or French it will be used for Official Language reporting process. 

If the employee has an alternative language, it must be made a mandatory requirement to include it in the REOLA report. In particular, it must be mandatory to generate the L2 table.

!Employee settings [IEAS]:
These must be done for each employee who is assigned to work in bilingual locations only
|Provide Public Service|This toggle must be checked if the employee is assigned to perform a public service. If it is defined on the position, it will be defaulted to the assignment level when an employee is placed into this assignment.
|Provide Internal Service|This toggle must be checked if the employee is assigned to perform an internal service. If it is defined on the position, it will be defaulted to the assignment level when an employee is placed into this assignment.

If the employee is assigned to provide both internal and public services then both toggles must be checked. 
|Supervisory|This toggle must be checked if the employee is a supervisor. If it is defined on the position, it will be defaulted to the assignment level when an employee is placed into this assignment.
|Supervisory|This toggle must be checked if the employee is a supervisor. If it is defined on the position, it will be defaulted to the assignment level when an employee is placed into this assignment.

!!‘Report Official Languages’ Report Parameters
||Report Parameters||
|__Entity__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__ \\This will limit the report to the entities listed.
|__As of Date__|__Date, LOV Available__ \\This is the date from which the information will be collected.\\As Of Date is usually set to the last day of the year for which you are providing this report.

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