[REFERENCE_INFO] is a 50-character alphanumeric optional field used throughout the application to provide users the ability to enter additional reference information. This article describes how REFERENCE_INFO is used within the [P2K_PR_SUNDRY_LINES] (PSL) structure: When used in [IPSN] this field allows users to enter a note or reference for the sundry. This reference information may be either anecdotal or more structured (e.g. Union Code or Court Number). If the Reference field on [IPPC] is defined as 'Enter Vendor Code', users will select a code from an LOV. If there is no link, users may use this field to provide a description directly on the [IPSN] screen. Users will be able to enter up to 200 characters as reference on the pay lines. This entry will not be checked against values within any lexicon. [{If var='loginstatus' contains 'authenticated' ---- ![Discussion|Edit:Internal.REFERENCE_INFO PSN] [{InsertPage page='Internal.REFERENCE_INFO PSN' default='Click to create a new discussion page'}] }]