The Produce EEO-1 (REEO1) form allows you to produce the Equal Employment Opportunity Report that may be required for U.S. private companies. 

In order to run REEO1 for a set of employees, you must ensure that all the groups those employees belong to have a group type of "Full Time" or "Part Time" defined in the [IDGR] form.  Any other group type will not be reported.  

||Report Parameters||
|__Entity__|__Mandatory, LOV Available__\\This field limits the report to a single entity.
|__Date Range From/To__|__Date, LOV Available__\\This date range will be used to identify the dates that the employees will be pulled from to generate the report. Employees who are active within this date range will be included in the report.
|__As Of__|__Date, LOV Available__\\This date indicates the date that the employee's demographic records will be examined “as of”. It should be set to the Date Range To value, to ensure consistency of data.
|__Sort People By__|__Optional, LOV Available__\\This field indicates how the information will be sorted.
|__Pay Period Used__|__Mandatory, Manual__
|__Certified Title__|__Mandatory, Manual__\\This field displays the title of the individual who has certified the information in the report.
|__Certified By__|__Mandatory, Manual__\\This field indicates the name of the individual who has certified the information in the report.
|__Telephone Number__|__Mandatory, Manual__\\This field provides a telephone number for the individual who certified the report information.
|__Creat Errors File__|__Optional, Yes or No, LOV available__
|__Create Dump File__|__Optional, Yes or No, LOV available__
|__Details in Dump File__|__Optional, Yes or No, LOV available__
|__Directory Name__|__Optional Manual__
|__EEO1 File Name__|__Optional Manual__
|__User Comment__|__Optional, Text__\\This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.
|__Exception Level__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\You may select the level of logging desired: ‘Exceptions Only’, ‘User Trace’, ‘Internal Level’ ‘Legislation’, ‘UserCalc Trace’, ‘Program Trace’ or Utility Trace.

||Report Filters||
|__People List Code__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__\\This field will limit the report to the people lists selected.
|__Person Code__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__\\This field will limit the report to the people selected. 
|__Org Level Type__|__Optional, Lexicon Available__\\This will limit the report to the organization level type selected.\\__Note:__ Org Level Type MUST be specified IF you are using the Sort Option of Org Level OR if you want to filter by Org Levels.
|__Org Level__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__\\This will limit the report to the organization levels selected.
|__Department__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__\\This will limit the report to the departments selected.
|__Authorization__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__\\This will limit the report to the authorization levels selected.
|__Unit__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__\\This field will limit the report to the units selected.
|__Group__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__\\This field will limit the report to the groups selected.
|__Status Types__|__Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available__\\This field will limit the report to the status types selected.