!!Processing Information
The List Employee Counts (REECF) report allows you produce a report on how many employees are in a specific entity.   
The report also allows you to limit the count by area or specific employee type.
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!!Report Parameters & Filters
||Report Parameters||
|Entity|Optional, LOV Available\\This field limits the report to the single entity selected.
|Org Level Type|Optional, Lexicon Available\\This will limit the report to the organization level type selected.\\Note:Org Level Type MUST be specified IF you are using the Sort Option of Org Level OR if you want to filter by Org Levels.
|Exclude Type“T, I, P”|Optional, Toggle \\If Yes is selected, then employees whose Employment Status is of type "Terminated", "Inactive" or "Pending" will also be counted (otherwise they are included in the count)
|Time Worked Element|Mandatory, LOV Available\\This will limit the report to the pay elements (defined on IPPE) selected.\\ \\The element is used to calculate the FTE Hours column in concert with:\\ \\*the number of pay periods a person had Pay Headers for in the time period specified by the From/To dates, and\\ \\*the Standard Hours per Pay Period as specified on the POSITION for the person. 
|As of Date|Date, LOV Available\\This is the date used to retrieve employee, group and position information.
|From Date|Date, LOV Available\\This field will identify the date from which the assignments will be reported.
|To Date|Date, LOV Available \\This field will identify the date up to which the assignments will be reported.

||Report Filters||
|Department|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This will limit the report to the departments selected.
|Org Level|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This will limit the report to the organization levels selected.
|Employment Status|Optional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available\\This will limit the report to the employment statuses selected.

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