List Employees by Position/Department (French Version)#

Processing Information#

The List Employees By Position/Department (REDWF) report will produce a report of compensation, by employees within Workers' Compensation codes by department.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
As of DateDate, LOV Available
This is the date that the information will be collected from.
Show Premium InfoOptional, Toggle
If this is set to "Yes", then premium information from Job, Position and Assignment will also be shown on this report.
UnitOptional, LOV Available
This is the unit that the information will be collected from.

Report Filters
EntityOptional,Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the entities listed.
DepartmentOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the departments selected.
People ListOptional,Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the people lists listed.
PersonOptional,Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the individuals listed.
Org Level TypeOptional, Lexicon Available
This will limit the report to the organization level type selected.
Note:Org Level Type MUST be specified IF you are using the Sort Option of Org Level OR if you want to filter by Org Levels.
Org LevelOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the organization levels selected.
UnitOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the units selected.
GroupOptional, Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the groups selected.
LocationOptional,Multiple Selection Available, LOV Available
This will limit the report to the locations selected

Notes #

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