Recruiters are used to help companies find suitable candidates for specific postings. Recruiter records are created and maintained in the Define Recruiters [(IRRE)] form. 
They may be internal personnel (human resources department, managers), employment
organizations or agencies, or media (job boards, advertising firms, or even the entity’s web
site). Events are also consider ‘recruiters’ and may include hiring campaigns such as job
fairs, open houses, and college recruitment.
Recruiters are uniquely identified by a manually entered recruiter code. The Recruitment
application allows the following information to be recorded for each recruiter:
* a list of the [job profiles|JOB PROFILES] that use the recruiter
* a list of the postings that have used or are currently using the recruiter
* costs incurred involving the recruiter
* candidates that have been referred by the recruiter
Recruiter profiles may be published by running Publish Recruiter Profiles [(RRRE)] screen. The profiles may be published in full detail or listed by various criteria upon request.
Recruiters may be interfaced from and to other systems.
The addition, modification or removal of a recruiter can trigger activities.

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