REASON_FOR_DECLINE is a field used throughout the application and thus has multiple uses.

When used in the Recruiting Module, Reason For Decline is an optional field used to identify the reason the applicant declined a job offer for the posting.

X_REASON_FOR_DECLINE is a user defined lexicon with the following starter set of values:
Displayed Value
01 Wages Too Low
02 Poor Benefits
03 Too Much Travel
04 Location
05 No Challenge
06 Another Job Offer
07 Under Qualified
08 Over Qualified
09 Other

When used in the Benefit Self Service module, this field will prompt employees to provide a Reason For Decline for any benefit election they have declined during the Open Enrollment. As a default, decline reasons are mandatory; however, this may be overridden by setting the site preference “BSS D REASON REQ” with a value of N in IMST.

X_BE_DECLINE_REASON is a user defined lexicon with the following starter set of values:
Displayed Value
00 Not Specified

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