Training Suppliers may be published in detail or summary at any time using flexible run time parameters. They may also be interfaced from and to other systems.

Report Parameters & Filters#

Report Parameters
Show Supplier DetailsMandatory, LOV, <YES>
Should the supplier details be printed with this report?
Show CoursesMandatory, LOV, <YES>
Should the report print the courses?
Show AssessmentsMandatory, LOV, <YES>
Should the report print the assessment?
Show ColorMandatory, LOV, <YES>
Should the report be printed in color?
User CommentOptional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all
pages of the report.

Report Filters
EntityOptional, Match, Multiple Selections, LOV, <ALL>
This field allows you to limit the report to the entities indicated.
SupplierOptional, Match, Multiple Selections, LOV, <ALL>
This field allows you to limit the report to the suppliers indicated.
StatusOptional, Multiple Selections, LOV, <ALL>
This field allows you to limit the report to the supplier status(es) indicated.
TypeOptional, Multiple Selections, LOV, <ALL>
This field allows you to limit the report to the supplier type(s) indicated.
CategoryOptional, Multiple Selections, LOV, <ALL>
This field allows you to limit the report to the supplier category(s) indicated.

Notes #

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