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Personal Development Profiles may be published in detail or summary at any time using flexible run time parameters. The Publish Personal Development Profiles (RCPD) form allows you to print development profiles.

Report Parameters
Submit DateDate, LOV Available
This field limits the report to the specified submission date.
User CommentOptional, Text
This field holds the user-supplied comment which will appear in the header of all pages of the report.
Show AssessmentsMandatory, LOV Available, <NO>
This field indicates that the report should show the assessments the employee has taken.
Show ClassesMandatory, LOV Available, <NO>
This field indicates that the report should show the classes the employee has taken.
Show CompetenciesMandatory, LOV Available, <NO>
This field indicates that the report should show the employee’s competencies.
Show ActivitiesMandatory, LOV Available, <NO>
This field indicates that the report should show the development activities the employee has participated in.
Show EducationMandatory, LOV Available, <NO>
This field indicates that the report should show the employee’s education.
Show ObjectivesMandatory, LOV Available, <NO>
This field indicates that the report should show the employee’s objectives.
_Show Qualification_Mandatory, LOV Available, <NO>
This field indicates that the report should show the employee’s qualifications.
_Show Training History_Mandatory, LOV Available, <NO>
This field indicates that the report should show the employee’s training history.
_Show Work History_Mandatory, LOV Available, <NO>
This field indicates that the report should show the classes the employee has taken.
_Show Reviews_Mandatory, LOV Available, <NO>
This field indicates that the report should show the employee’s reviews.