A summary report may be run for each [remittance|BENEFIT REMITTANCES] through the Report Benefit Remittances (RBRE) screen.
||Report Parameters||
|__Calendar__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This field determines which business calendar is to be used.
|__Calendar Period__|__Mandatory, LOV available__\\This determines the period within the calendar specified for which the benefit lines are to be reported.
||Report Filters||
|__Entity__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This limits the process to the entity specified.
|__Remit Report__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV__\\This is the remittance report that the benefit plans are attached to.
|__Plan__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\This is the benefit plan to be reported.
|__State/Province__|__Mandatory, Multiple selection, and LOV available__\\The remittances may be reported by state/province.