
The RBINTERFACE program creates a HIPPA ANSI 834(ANSI X12N 005010X220A1 (834) standard) File layout for reporting benefit information to carriers.
Interchange file segment ordering example\\
!!Segment Ordering Sample
Interchange file segment ordering example:
*REF\\(employee and dependent details following)
**DTP ...
**1000A N1
**1000B N1
**1000C N1 (situational/optional)
***2000 INS ...
***2000 REF (0F)
***2000 REF (1L)
***2000 REF (F6) (situational/optional)
***2000 DTP ...
****2100 NM1
****2100A PER
****2100A N3 (required for subscriber)
****2100A N4 (required if 2100A N3 is included)
****2100A DMG
****2100C NM1 (situational/optional)
****2100C N3 (situational/optional)
****2100C N4 (situaional/optional)
****2200 DSB
****2200 DTP ...
*****2300 HD ...
*****2300 DTP ...
*****2300 REF (situational/optional)
!!Required Set Up

!1) Interface File Definition ([IDIF]) Set Up

High Line supplies a standard IDIF file definition, __‘HL$ANSI-X12N834’__, for use with this process.\\

For each vendor required, use the IDIF function and make a copy of this pre-loaded interface layout. Rename the copy to a logical naming convention for the vendor.
Use IDIF to modify the IDIF file definition to contain the required value for the vendor.\\

A mapping has been created between the IDIF and the RBINTERFACE program. \\
Only file columns that require a constant value will be needed to be defined inside this IDIF definition.\\

*The Beginning Position may always be defined as `1`\\
*The Ending Position must be defined in order for the program to know how many characters are required for each column.\\
*The Field Type must be defined as ‘Char’\\
*Constant Value, client must define the element value in this column as it is applicable to their own installation.\\
||Rec #  ||Field #  ||Name/Desc                  ||Beg Posn*  ||End Posn   ||Field Type   ||Constant Value
|10       |1         |ISA segment Element 01      |1           |2           |Char          |                                                                          |
|10       |2         |ISA segment Element 02      |1           |10          |Char          |                                                                          |
|10       |3         |ISA segment Element 03      |1           |2           |Char          |                                                                          |
|10       |4         |ISA segment Element 04      |1           |10          |Char          |                                                                          |
|10       |5         |ISA segment Element 05      |1           |2           |Char          |ISA05 = sender (usually ‘30’)                                             |
|10       |6         |ISA segment Element 06      |1           |            |              |ISA06 = sender (usually a FEIN) (Navigate to IDGV and obtain clients FEIN)|
|10       |7         |ISA segment Element 07      |1           |2           |Char          |ISA07 = receiver (usually ‘30’)                                           |
|10       |8         |ISA segment Element 08      |1           |3           |Char          |ISA08 = receiver (usually a FEIN)                                         |
|10       |11        |ISA segment Element 11      |1           |1           |Char          |                                                                          |
|10       |12        |ISA segment Element 12      |1           |5           |Char          |00501                                                                     |
|10       |14        |ISA segment Element 14      |1           |1           |Char          |                                                                          |
|10       |15        |ISA segment Element 15      |1           |1           |Char          |ISA15 = P(Production) or T(Test)                                          |
|         |          |                            |            |            |              |                                                                          |
|20       |1         |GS segment Element 01       |1           |2           |Char          |                                                                          |
|20       |2         |GS segment Element 02       |1           |7           |Char          |GS02 = sender (Usually agency TIN/FEIN)                                   |
|20       |3         |GS segment Element 03       |1           |6           |Char          |GS03 = receiver (Usually carriers TIN/FEIN)                               |
|20       |7         |GS segment Element 07       |1           |1           |Char          |                                                                          |
|20       |8         |GS segment Element 08       |1           |12          |Char          |                                                                          |
|         |          |                            |            |            |              |                                                                          |
|50       |2         |N1(Identifier P5) segment 02|1           |60          |Char          |N1P5-Payer Name                                                           |
|50       |3         |N1(Identifier P5) segment 03|1           |2           |Char          |‘FI’                                                                      |
|50       |4         |N1(Identifier P5) segment04 |1           |80          |Char          |N1P5-Payer Identification Code                                            |
|         |          |                            |            |            |              |                                                                          |
|52       |2         |N1(Identifier IN) segment 02|1           |6           |Char          |N102 = The name of the client group                                       |
|52       |3         |N1(Identifier IN) segment 03|1           |2           |Char          |‘FI’                                                                      |
|52       |4         |N1(Identifier IN) segment 04|1           |10          |Char          |N104 = Client group TIN (or some other designation)                       |

!2) The following User Defined Feld (UDF) is required on [IMUF].

||Data Base Table      ||UDF Name||   Used in Segment||                     ^
|                         |               |                                        |
|P2K_BE_COVERAGES         |REF_DX_LOCATION|member supplemental number('2000 REF02')|
|P2K_HR_CONTACTS          |MARITAL_STATUS |Marital status                         

!Report Parameters

||Report Parameters||Description
|__Entity__                |Mandatory, LOV Available\\You must enter one entity|
|__Interface Format Code__ |Mandatory, LOV Available\\You must select an interface code defined on IDIF (Sample ‘HL$ANSI-X12N834’)|
|__ASK Partner Number__    |Used to populate Segment ‘ISA’ element ‘06’; and Segment ‘GS’ element ’02’.
|__ISA Control Number__    |Used to populate Segment ‘ISA’ element ‘13’; and Segment ‘IEA’ element ‘02’.
|__GS Control Number__     |Used to populate Segment ‘GS’ element ’06’; and Segment ‘GE’ element ‘02’..
|__Master Policy Number__  |Used to populate Segment ‘REF’ element ’02’.
|__From Date__             |The starting date used for records to be included in the file|
|__To Date__               |The ending date used for records to be included in the file|
|__Plan Type__             |Mandatory, LOV Available\\You must select a Benefit plan type to process (Sample Dental,Medical, Vision,Health)|
|__This is a Test File__   |Value of ‘Y’ or ‘N’.  Used to populate Segment ‘ISA’ element ’15’ (populate with ‘T’ for test file; and ‘P’ for production file).|
|__This is an Update File__|Value of ‘Y’ or ‘N’.  Used to populate Segment ‘BGN’ element ’08’ (populate with ‘RX’ for replace action).|
|__Create File__           |Value of ‘Y’ or ‘N’. If set to 'N' no file will be created.|
|__Directory Name__        |Enter a valid directory name (Directory must be found on the database server)|
|__File Name__             |Enter a file name|
|__Include Exception__     |Value of ‘Y’ or ‘N’ (to include exception messages on the report)|
|__Exception Level__       |Values of ‘0’ to ‘9’ (more exception messages are displayed when a higher level number is used).  Use Level-2 if you want to see all the records created (or will be created) on the file listed on the report.